Why Are INFJs So Rare?

If you or someone you know is an INFJ, you know exactly how special these people are. Currently, there are sixteen recognized personality types, and it is safe to say that INFJs stand out as one of the rarest. INFJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging, and represents a unique combination of traits that make up less than 2% of the population.

You might be wondering, what is it that makes INFJs so rare? Below, we take a look at some of the many traits that make these people so incredible.

Complex Personality Profile

The personality profile of an INFJ is colorful to say the least. These people are often described as the counselor due to their natural ability to understand and empathize with others. INFJs possess a deep understanding of human emotions and have a strong desire to help and support others.

This unique blend of empathy, intuition, and sensitivity sets them apart from most of the population. If you are ever in need of a good friend that will listen and understand your struggles, find yourself an INFJ.

Their Tie To Introversion

INFJs are introverted individuals, which means that they derive their energy from within and tend to focus on their inner world more than the outer. These people prefer solitary activities and meaningful conversations rather than superficial social interactions. In fact, these interactions tend to zap them of their energy and leave them feeling depleted.

This inclination towards introversion can contribute to their rarity as they may not always seek or enjoy the same level of external stimulation that extroverts do. Plus, introverts tend to be more rare than extroverts, with an estimated three to one ratio, which further contributes to their rarity.

Their Intuition Is Strong

These people possess a strong sense of intuition, which allows them to pick up on subtle cues and patterns that others may simply overlook. They have a natural inclination towards looking beyond the surface and exploring deeper meanings and possibilities. INFJs will often have a vivid imagination and an idealistic vision of the world, making them seem as though they have their head in the clouds at times.

In addition to this, they strive for authenticity and are driven to make a positive impact, which many times leads them to pursue careers in counseling, social work, or other helping professions. This rare ability to intuitively make decisions for both themselves and others makes them especially valuable in the medical field.

Their Emotional Sensitivity Is High

INFJs are highly sensitive individuals who are deeply in tune with their own unique emotions as well as the emotions of those around them. They have an uncanny ability to understand and empathize with others, making them excellent listeners and advisors.

However, this sensitivity can also make them vulnerable to emotional exhaustion, as they often take on the emotional burdens of others. Due to their heightened emotional awareness, INFJs may find it challenging to navigate a world that can sometimes seem overwhelming and emotionally draining.

Altruism Is At Their Core

Another special attribute of the INFJ personality type is that these people are out to improve the world at all times. They are constantly considering how their thoughts and actions might affect others around them, which means that they end up taking their time mulling things over.

INFJs will always align themselves with a course of action that is going to be beneficial for the masses, rather than making any self-centered choices. Stepping on toes or pushing themselves to the front of a crowd is simply not in their nature.

They Crave Authenticity

Authenticity is of the utmost importance to an INFJ. Any relationships that are void of this will likely be let go as anything less than authentic is draining to these individuals. For them, it is all about quality over quantity. In many cases, INFJs may have only a few close friends because of this. They strive to live in alignment with their deeply held beliefs and values, so they will never hold on to friendships that contradict this.

They seek genuine connections and meaningful relationships with others at all times. This deep desire for authenticity can make it challenging for INFJs to find like-minded individuals who share their perspectives and passions, which can make them feel like a lone wolf at times. Once again, this contributes to their rareness overall.

Privacy Is Their Preference

INFJs tend to be quite private individuals who guard their inner thoughts and emotions from others unless they trust them. INFJs deeply value their alone time, which allows them to recharge and reflect on their thoughts and emotions.

This preference for privacy and selectiveness in relationships can contribute to their rarity, as they may be less visible or less likely to engage in large social circles. If you are lucky enough to interact with an INFJ at a party or large gathering, consider yourself fortunate as this is not a place you will often find them.

They Want More For Themselves

Accepting the minimum or settling is not in the nature of these people. They strive to accomplish goals that will make the world better, meaning they won’t play small.

Because they are perfectionists, they are more inclined to burnout than other personality types but never let that stop them. Their dreams are what keep them motivated and moving forward.

Misunderstandings Are Common

Feeling misunderstood by others is an incredibly common experience for these individuals due to their complex nature and one-of-a-kind perspective on the world. Their deep introspection and intuitive insights may seem mysterious or intimidating to those who are not familiar with their inner workings, though it comes completely natural to them.

Unfortunately, this might lead to feelings of isolation and a sense of being different from the majority. Many INFJs simply adjust to being independent and acclimate to this feeling. During certain periods, they may find themselves completely alone due to their focus on a specific task. INFJs are always working towards a goal that will better themselves or others, and this can cause them to isolate themselves for periods of time. Inevitably, they always come up for air at some point, though.


INFJs are a truly rare breed of person. While their rarity may sometimes make it challenging for INFJs to find like-minded individuals, it also adds to their allure and uniqueness. INFJs bring a distinct perspective and set of qualities to the world, making them a wonderful asset, friend, and person overall.


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