The Best Career Paths for the INFJ Personality Type

A significant chunk of a person’s lifetime is spent working, at an average of 34.7 hours per week. Because of this, the career path a person chooses should be conducive to their personality type.

INFJ personalities tend to be incredibly hardworking and inquisitive but also quite serious. INFJs tend to get the most fulfillment from careers that allow them to explore their passions, help others, continue learning, and require high levels of thinking.

Below are some of the best career paths to consider for those with the INFJ personality type.

Therapist or Counselor

Arguably the most well-known trait associated with the INFJ personality type is compassion or empathy. In addition to this, they tend to be inquisitive, intuitive, patient, and considerate. All of these traits encompass the ideal therapist or counselor.

Having the interest and ability to help others in some of their darkest hours is a valuable asset to have. INFJs are excellent listeners by nature, which is an intricate part of being a therapist.

As such, INFJs tend to do incredibly well in this field. They are able to keep their social battery from being drained as they are primarily listening and guiding others to reflect on their own thoughts and actions.

Additionally, their life-changing impact can create a feeling of purpose and achievement within people with this personality type.


One of the many notable traits of the INFJ personality type is the tendency to be deeply thoughtful. Writing is a talent that requires a considerable amount of energy for thinking, reflecting, and creating.

Copywriting is an ideal field for INFJs because it requires very little communication with others. Instead of their social battery becoming drained during the work day, they can actually feel refueled as they can turn inward and create.

In addition, copywriting is a skill that helps others produce content that they may not be able to create themselves. Because there is such a range of talents and skills associated with each personality type, not every person will experience a natural ability to write. Taking on this task can check the boxes of both helping others and being thoughtful or creative.

Copywriting is a field that requires no formal training, and it’s a skill that could easily be self-taught. Anyone interested in this career path can find countless books and tools to help them get started. Copywriting Made Simple is one of these readily available resources to check out.


This career path is another that involves making an impact on others. Nutritionists focus on guiding both children and adults towards a healthy lifestyle, primarily centered around their diet.

With obesity rates continuing to rise, this career is not only beneficial but has now become crucial. Educating others and providing information that could alter their lives and increase their longevity is an immensely positive and impactful job.

Nutrition is a field that involves a significant amount of science, which is an area that INFJ personality types tend to thrive in.

The field of science requires asking frequent questions, thinking outside of the box, and constant learning. These are some of the core concepts that both interest and engage INFJs. Because of this, nutrition is a field in which they could thrive.

Elementary Teacher

Once again, patience comes into play with this career path. Elementary-aged children require a heightened level of patience and empathy, both of which come naturally to INFJs.

Although children tend to be higher energy, they do not require the same level of reciprocation from their teachers as they do from their peers.

In the same ways that introverts make incredible parents, they also make extraordinary teachers. Some of the characteristics needed to be an elementary-level teacher are compassion, professionalism, and kindness.

These traits are organically experienced by most reserved people. Plus, the ability to change children's lives is an excellent bonus.

Interior Designer

This career encompasses attention to detail, creativity, and thoughtfulness, all of which are exhibited by those with the INFJ personality type. They have an innate passion for helping others, which is a crucial aspect of what interior designers do.

Curating a home that is a reflection of the people that live there can be a challenging task. To be able to create a vision and execute it for others is a true talent.

Interior designers take the time to listen to their client’s desires, are thoughtful regarding the design they put together, and can turn a house into a home.

Especially for INFJs that thrive on the ability to create and pay close attention to detail, this career path is an ideal outlet to exercise these skills.


Libraries are some of the quietest places in the world. For this reason alone, being a librarian would be a perfect career path for an INFJ.

Librarians get to spend their days surrounded by books and educational resources with very little communication needed. They are able to share their deep love of reading with others and make meaningful connections with people that share the same interests.

Although introverted people become drained more easily following social interactions, deep and passionate conversations can fill their cups. The kind of people that spend significant amounts of time in a library tends to be thoughtful, driven, and introspective as well. In this way, this career path is a match made in heaven for an INFJ.

Social Worker

Though this career path often includes some challenging experiences, it is incredibly rewarding and honorable. INFJs thrive on their ability to help others in their time of need.

Social workers focus solely on helping children and adults improve their lives. Whether it be removing children from a dangerous situation, helping an adult get back on their feet, or providing life-changing resources, social workers make a massive impact on the lives of those around them.

One understated, but vital aspect of this career is the ability to sense danger or pick up on non-verbal cues. Social workers need to be able to detect an unsafe environment and rely on their intuition to guide them.

INFJs are incredibly intuitive in nature and could affect change on a large scale in this field.


Because so much of a person's lifetime is spent working, it is vital to make sure that the job or career supports an introverted personality.

While it may be possible for the INFJ personality type to land a career that is considered extroverted, they will become drained quicker and may lack a sense of fulfillment. Therefore, seeking a career path that allows INFJs to harness their specific traits and feel at ease in their environment is essential for job satisfaction and quality of life.

Finding a position that involves minimal social exertion, the chance to assist other people, and an outlet for being creative are all excellent considerations for INFJs. Any of the above jobs would be an excellent option for anyone with this distinct personality type and could result in a meaningful and passionate career.


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