The ISFP Personality Type: Everything You Need to Know

Let’s introduce the ISFP: the introverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving individual. This Myers Briggs personality type is an artist who views life as a canvas.

Some famous ISFPs include Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, and Bob Dylan. The ISFP is the fourth most common personality type in the population.

Continue reading to understand how the unapologetic ISFP lives their life.


One can kind of tell when an ISFP is out in the open. They tend to be very open about themselves in the way they walk, dress, appear, or just live in general. To them, they’re just being themselves but to others, they’re a creative soul.

The ISFP adapts to life as it presents itself to them. Their open-mindedness lets them act as they deem necessary at that moment and allows for the unexpected. In fact, they’re so open-minded that they’re okay with being around those with opposing opinions.

When it comes to the future, they may not have a clear path in their sight. But they continue forward anyways, learning from and remembering their experiences along the way.

While planning isn’t something they do often, or well, some structure helps get them through the uncertainties they might face.


Attention to detail

The ISFP makes an effort to notice everything. One of their talents is being a problem solver because they look for areas of improvement that many others might not see. With their calm personality, their focus is very high compared to some other Myers-Briggs personality types.


Despite what societal standards exist, ISFPs live life in their own style. They probably have an atypical way of presenting themselves or their work to others. But it’s not in a way to make themselves the center of attention. They just don’t think they should have to conform to one set of rules or standards; they explore the complexities of human nature.

Passionate and caring

Despite their introvertedness, they put their heart in everything they find interest in. They’ll get so engulfed into whatever or whoever they take interest in that they tend to “leave behind” the rest of the world for a moment. When it comes to people, they’re open to all; intolerance is a turn-off for ISFPs though.



This trait is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, the ISFP can easily sense and connect to others’ emotions to reduce conflict. On the other hand, in an effort to keep the peace, they put their feelings to the side for the sake of others.

ISFPs are more likely to put others’ feelings above their own, which potentially sets them up to be vulnerable to hurt.

Not fond of stressful situations

Because they try to diffuse negative energy for the sake of the greater good, they won’t handle overly stressful situations well. When things get too out of hand, the ISFP will either shut down or lose their character.


Another double-edged sword of an ISFP is their “live in the moment” mentality. The positive is that they love spontaneous moments, and make plenty of memories during those moments. However, long-term planning is their weak point. This doesn’t bode well when getting involved with relationships.


In any relationship, the ISFP shows care, compassion, and openness. This makes their conversational skills pretty good. They’ll match the vibe of the conversation and flow with it as it changes.

That being said, the ISFPs are doers more than sayers. They may say what it is at the moment (as in not the “what could be”) and then they act accordingly. They’re not fond of discussion without corresponding action to go along with it.

In relationships, they’ll contribute with practical gestures and methods that make their friend or partner feel cared for. However, because they dislike conflict, it may be tough to have conversations with them.

Consider one of the following choices for gift ideas for the holidays or their birthday:

  • Time: Something as simple as a coffee date, beach walks, or inviting them for a meal will do wonders for the ISFP’s spirit.

  • Cozy things: the ISFP enjoys feeling comfortable physically. If it’s wintertime, consider getting a thick, warm onesie, fuzzy slippers, or wool socks. It’ll let them feel snug and warm, which the ISFP will greatly appreciate.

  • Nice smelling things: The ISFP likes good scents as much as good feelings. Pair a cozy item with a lovely scented candle. A good mini self-spa day kit would be perfect.


In the workplace, the ISFP needs to be a free spirit. The confines of a 9-5 office space wouldn’t be ideal for this personality trait. Careers that allow the ISFP to interact with real-world issues, tangible objects, or changing environments are great for ISFPs.

Some example career paths include photography, musicians (hence why we listed famous artists in the beginning), social workers, teachers, nurses, and veterinarians. The common trait of each of these jobs is that it allows the ISFP to be expressive of their feelings or themselves.

One would think that a career in the sciences might not be a decent fit, but the observant skills of an ISFP make this a good field as well. Plus, their problem-solving capabilities are a great asset to fields in the sciences.


The ISFP can be found enwrapped in physical and/or artistic activities. Some athletic sports they enjoy include skiing, swimming, or kayaking. Some artistic hobbies include painting, creating music, doing dance sessions, and immersing themselves in the beauty of nature.

Don’t be surprised to see an ISFP as the owner of a paint and sip business.

Good and Bad Habits

Here are some of the good traits and habits of an ISFP:

  • Accepting: It doesn’t matter who the person is, the ISFP extends their arms to all. So long as the person isn’t intolerant, they will be willing to get to know just about anyone. Of course, with the introverted trait, it may take some time at first.

  • Making people happy: The ISFP is in touch with others’ emotions. When they sense that someone is in a bad mood, the ISFP will try to uplift their spirits to the best of their ability.

  • Memory: Because the ISFP senses a lot of feelings, they’ll remember plenty of events or experiences based on visual, scent, sound, or emotional memory.

Here are some of the bad traits and habits of an ISFP:

  • People pleaser: Because they want everyone to just feel good, they might go above and beyond their own wellbeing. This means the ISFP might ignore their own needs for the sake of others or to keep the peace. This also makes it easy for the ISFP to get taken advantage of.

  • Planning: Their “live in the moment” lifestyle is great but to a fault. Trying to plan long-term is not their forte. This poses a communication problem for whoever they pursue relationships with.

ISFP: The Artistic, Free Spirit

These individuals are not afraid to be their full authentic selves. And people can see it in their actions. Befriending an ISFP means getting a friend who wants to emit happiness and make the most of all the time they spend with you.


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