8 Online Dating Tips for Introverts

Online dating can be intimidating for introverts. It's a strange, new world filled with people they don't know, and that might not share their interests. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be all that bad.

For introverts that are shy or simply prefer one-on-one interactions over group situations, online dating may be the perfect way to meet someone great. Here are some excellent tips and considerations for making the most out of the online dating experience as an introverted person.

1. Know That It Is Okay To Be Intimidated

Online dating can be a stressful and intimidating experience for introverts. Introverted people are often private, and online dating is the ultimate “out there” experience.

With online dating, a person is essentially putting everything out there in the public eye and subjecting it to possible scrutiny. This can range from appearance, interests/hobbies, personality traits, and more. That is why it is so imperative to take plenty of time when setting up a profile. The page should reflect who they truly are and what kind of person they're looking for.

Don't rush into anything or force any interactions that do not feel natural. When creating an online dating profile, it is crucial to remember this key point: keep it simple. The goal should be to create a brief but compelling description that gets people interested enough in connecting that they want to meet up and get acquainted in person.

2. Don't Hesitate To Make The First Move

Introverts can be intimidated by reaching out to someone they're interested in online, but they should not let fear keep them from trying. If another person on an online dating site catches their eye, they should not refrain from sending them a message due to fear of rejection.

Although making the first move may be completely out of their comfort zone, taking a risk in order to determine if the other person is a good match for them or not is a fabulous way to make the most of their online dating experience.

3. Be Genuine

When meeting a match for the first time, it's easy to be nervous and overcompensate due to fear. Rather than putting on a show for the other person, it is crucial to be genuine.

Attracting someone who likes them for who they are is the key to finding a good match. In addition to showing up as their true self, they should make sure that the information and photos on the site are accurate reflections of who they are currently. Adding information that is not accurate is a way to set their future date up for failure.

4. Focus On Commonalities

It is essential not to let differences get in the way of a conversation or a potential date. Although many people naturally gravitate to those that are similar to them, opposites have plenty of benefits as well.

Introverts may be attracted to other introverts due to their similar thresholds for stimulation and interest in alone time. Even so, it is important not to automatically discount any other personality types.

That being said, if there is something about a match that doesn't sit right, don't be afraid to say so. No one should have to waste their time or energy on someone who is blatantly not right for them.

5. Prepare Ahead Of Time

When entering the online dating space, it can be helpful to be aware of the types of questions that often come up in online conversations as well as preparing some.

For example, asking open-ended questions is a great way to keep a conversation going. While it's okay to ask yes or no questions occasionally, it's best if they don't dominate the conversations.

Having questions ready to go ahead of time can help alleviate some of the stress that introverts may feel as they enter conversation with someone new.

Additionally, taking advantage of the chance to find out more information can help guide them as they attempt to determine whether the person could be a good fit.

6. Take The Time To Write A Thoughtful Message

Dating can be a numbers game, and the more messages sent out, the better the chances of finding someone who fits the necessary criteria.

But instead of simply sending a message to every single person in the dating sites queue, introverts should take the time to write out thoughtful messages that show off their individual personality and highlight why they might be a good match.

For example, if the person they are considering messaging is into hiking, camping, or even just spending time outdoors, it would be beneficial to mention something similar in their life. Try not to leave any questions unanswered when reaching out so that the conversation has somewhere to go from there.

7. Don’t Alter Any Personality Traits

The first thing introverts should know about dating is that there is absolutely zero need to have to change their personality just to get dates. Not only is it okay to be genuine, but it is also vital for finding a good match.

Introverts can be themselves and still find love without having to pretend to be someone else. If the interaction does lead to a meeting in person, it will be far less stressful if the person knows what to expect.

An example of this could be an introvert that goes out of their way to be bubbly on their dating app of choice. The person they are messaging may begin forming an idea of an outgoing, extroverted person. When they meet in real life, it could be a shock to realize that this is not the case. Setting expectations that align with their true personalities is the best way to ensure that nobody’s time or energy is wasted.

Introverts are naturally more reserved than their extroverted counterparts. This can make it hard when it comes time to put themselves out there in the dating scene. Conversing with strangers is a task that normally zaps introverts of their social battery.

There are plenty of ways that meeting new people doesn't have to feel scary or awkward. Plus, taking a chance and getting involved with someone who may seem different from themselves could end up resulting in an incredible match that properly balances the introverts needs.

8. Don’t Ignore Red Flags

Red flags exist for a reason and should never be ignored, especially in the online dating world. Most people are on their best behavior on dating apps as their messages are more permanent than spoken word.

Additionally, they have more time to consider their response and may not be as genuinely themselves as they would be in person. Introverts should be weary of any potential matches that criticize or judge their personality traits. If it feels like it might not actually be a good match, it likely isn’t.

This is one of the beauties of messaging before exerting the social battery required to attend a physical date. Weeding out prospects that do not feel like a proper fit is a great way to reserve energy.


These tips are a great way to relieve some of the stress related to the online dating experience. Remember, the best way to find love is by being genuine.

For introverts, it may be hard to open up at first but these tips can be used as a starting point for getting out of their shell and meeting new people.


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