10 Things INFPs Are Attracted To

INFPs - known as mediators - are deeply sensitive and empathetic people. Their innate ability to feel makes them uniquely compassionate human beings. In a world full of chaos, INFPs are especially valuable. These introspective and compassionate individuals are driven by a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world around them. Known for their creativity and profound sense of understanding, INFPs are naturally attracted to certain qualities and values in people and experiences. In this blog, we touch on ten things that INFPs are drawn to and share what fuels their passions from both within and externally.

1. Genuine Authenticity

INFPs are true champions of authenticity. At every turn, you can count on them to express their real self. They value genuineness in people, as they themselves often wear their hearts on their sleeves. Those who are open and unafraid to be vulnerable attract INFPs like a magnet. They appreciate other people who stay true to themselves and aren’t afraid to show their true colors. You will never have to hide any parts of your personality from an INFP.

2. A Talent for Creative Expression

Artistic expression speaks to the soul of an INFP. They are attracted to creativity in all its forms, whether it’s through writing, music, painting, or any other artistic endeavor. Being able to share in creative pursuits with like-minded individuals allows INFPs to forge deep connections and a sense of belonging. A great place to connect with these people could be at an art show or a yoga class. Anywhere that creativity can be drawn out is likely to attract an INFP.

3. Conversations with Depth

INFPs thrive on deep and meaningful conversations, which can be attributed to their introversion. In most cases, they are drawn to people who engage in introspective discussions about life, philosophy, emotions, and the human experience in general. Small talk may not be their forte, but delving into the depths of the mind and soul is where they truly shine.

4. Empathy for Others

INFPs have an innate ability to empathize with others and truly understand their emotions. They are drawn to compassionate souls who show kindness and empathy towards others, as these qualities resonate deeply with their own values. In many cases, they will be passionate animal lovers or human rights advocates.

5. A Love for Nature and Solitude

People with the INFP personality type flock to nature when they need a break. They feel a pull towards serene environments where they can reflect and recharge their emotional batteries. People who appreciate spending time in nature or respect their need for alone time are likely to win the hearts of INFPs. Hiking, biking, swimming, or camping are just a few of the activities that could pull an INFP out of their shell.

6. A Desire to Better the World

As the “Idealists” of the MBTI, INFPs are naturally drawn to people who share their visions for a better world. They find themselves attracted to other people that have a sense of purpose and are willing to dream big. Truthfully, there are no dreams too big for an INFP. Saving animals, helping the homeless, or lending a hand to those in need are just a few examples of ways to impress an INFP. If you’re willing to work passionately to make a positive impact on society, you are likely to spark their interest.

7. High Levels of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is highly attractive to many personality types, but especially for INFPs. These people value others who can understand and manage their emotions effectively, as well as empathize with feelings of others. Although they possess a large amount of empathy themselves, their ideal partner or friend will bring their own empathy to the table as well. This way, they can feel connected and bond over shared emotional intelligence. Anyone looking to connect with an INFP will never criticize or talk negatively about others. Otherwise, they will quickly lose the interest of these compassionate beings.

8. Long-Lasting and Meaningful Relationships

Shallow or superficial relationships simply will not capture the interest of INFPs. This is attributed partially to the introvert within them. Instead, they are attracted to people with depth and complexity. Because of this, their relationships tend to last longer than some other personality types. When they connect with another person, they are in it for the long haul. Anyone who harbors a rich inner world and is open to exploring the intricacies of life together is a perfect fit for an INFP.

9. A Quirky Sense of Humor

INFPs possess a unique sense of humor that often revolves around irony or situational comedy. At times, this can come across as either dark or awkward. While some people might not understand this unique sense of humor, INFPs thoroughly enjoy it. They find themselves most attracted to people who appreciate this kind of authentic humor and who can share in the joy of laughing at silly idiosyncrasies. But, because they are understanding people, this is certainly not a deal breaker for them.

10. The Desire to Grow as a Person

Continuous self-improvement is non-negotiable for INFPs, and they are attracted to others who share this growth-oriented mindset. People who strive to become the best version of themselves and encourage others to do the same will undoubtedly capture the attention of them. This could come in the form of education or personal development. Because they are non-judgemental, there are no firm rules to follow when it comes to INFPs - simply growing together and becoming the best versions of themselves as a couple is their dream.


INFPs are deeply introspective and compassionate individuals who are attracted to authenticity, creativity, and meaningful connections. They value emotional intelligence, empathy, and personal growth in themselves and others. Finding like-minded souls who appreciate the beauty of life’s intricacies and share a vision for a better world is what fuels the passions and creativity of an INFP. Understanding what attracts them can help forge profound and lasting relationships with these gentle and caring idealists.


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